Spring Around the Corner?!
Waking up to the sun shining and the birds chirping has to be a sure sign that spring is just around the corner now! All the horses are ready to shed their winter coats and get into play mode.
I think they all have a bit of cabin fever and are ready to romp around in the sunshine and spring air!
Now is the perfect time to gear up for show and riding season. Be sure to get all your tack out clean it up and check for safety issues before riding season is in full swing!
This is the time of year I like to start all our allergy prone horses on our Hilton Herb’s Freeway, this way we can avoid any early symptoms and get into their system before the pollen start changing!
Now is also the prime time to start all the moody mare’s on our Easy Mare Formula to keep the mood swings and estrus cycle at bay.
I know it may seem early, but really it is not at all. The mares are already beginning to come back into estrus (heat cycling) and those allergy pollens are literally just around the corner with spring!
Be sure to get all your tack and Hilton Herbs needs taken care of before riding season is here!
All of your Hilton Herbs and Natural Insect Control needs can be found at The Healing Barn on a daily basis!