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Love between a Horse and a Lady

Keeper was his name.  He was 36 years old and passed away a couple of Thanksgivings ago. He was a retired show horse and loved his owner with every inch of himself.  But 36 x 3 is old in people age and when it was time for him to go to heaven the angels came and took him away.  His Owner Colleen was very very sad but knew that Keeper was tired and let him go.  Keeper was Colleen’s rock .  Keeper had been in Colleens life for over 10 years and he kept her grounded.  He had helped her overcome person things in her life and move forward.  She says every day,”if it would not have been for Keeper” I don’t know what would have happened.  When she was sad, Keeper was there for her.  If her hair was a mess and she had had a bad day at work, he did not care, Keeper was there. Throughout the heart breaks of every day, when you have a Horse to come home to it makes it all worth it.

It’s that unconditional LOVE that you get from a horse.  He will always love you for who you are, not how you look, or how much money you make.  He is just there for the long haul. Colleen  loved Keeper,  unconditionally. So, as you can understand it was very hard for Colleen.  For months I would not hear from her or see her.

Until one day about 1 year ago one of the ladies in our barn could no longer pay for her retired Police Horse Red, which was very sad for “Sally Red’s owner”  but good for Colleen.  I called Colleen and said Red needs an owner are you interested?  Immediately she came out to meet Red officially.  She said OH MY GOODNESS he looks like Keeper ( only twice as big and weighed 2000 lbs instead of 1000 lbs)…He even had Keepers coloring and  personality.   For the first time in over a year Colleen’s sparkle was back in her eyes and she looked at me and said Keeper sent him to me.  And I agreed.  LIFE IS GOOD.

Colleen paid it forward and asked her cousin that never had a horse to join partnership with her to care for Red and a huge bond started, that, to this day everyone is super happy.

(when life gives you lemons………)

That’s it for now


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