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Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility


SKU: 91170 Categories: , ,


Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility – Anxiety, stress, nervousness or uncharacteristic behaviour can be due to physical or mental problems.

Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility is a tried and tested herbal calmer that will not dope or sedate your dog, but will help maintain a healthy and balanced nervous system and a calm outlook.

We recommend Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility to help with over exciteable dogs, rescue animals that may have received bad treatment, or simply tense, nervous sensitive dogs.

Hilton Herbs Canine Tranquility Contains: Valerian root, Lemon Balm herb, Scullcap herb, Chamomile flowers, Hawthorn tops, Marshmallow root.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

4.4 oz Tub

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