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Hilton Herbs Insu-lite


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SKU: 70704 Categories: , ,


Hilton Herbs Equine Insu-lite is a dry supplement containing herbs such as psyllium, garlic and ginger, each carefully chosen to help those classed as “good doers”

In the wild horses and most particularly , ponies thrive on sparce grazing where they had to cover a considerable distance each day to find food and their metabolism evolved with this life style. Nowadays, grazing is often too rich, there is a vast array of feeds available, plus as endless supply of blankets owners use all year. As such we are now seeing more horses and ponies carrying too much weight which can cause serious problems. Our Insu-Lite should be used in conjunction with an appropriate diet and exercise program which your Veterinarian can advise on.

Contains: Psyllium Husks, Artichoke, Fenugreek, Garlic, Kelp, Mint, Ginger


Additional information

Weight 7 lbs
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